Why breastfeeding still isn’t for me…

I didn’t love breastfeeding when Caroline was born (read here) but was willing to trying it again. I had zero expectations and an open mind.

I was armed with formula, a new breast pump (thank you insurance) and the Haakaa – which many of my mom friends had raved about. I was prepared for all scenarios.

Upon arrival into the world, Campbell was hungry. He was rooting and latched right away, I was shocked. I thought I’d have an easier time and enjoy breastfeeding in round two.

Later in the evening when Campbell was hungry, I attempted to breastfeed him again and was quickly transported to how much how I disliked it. It took me all of 15 seconds to remember that breastfeeding just isn’t for me.

I truly commend those who work to breastfeed, as if having a newborn baby wasn’t enough on your plate. And maybe for some it doesn’t even feel like work. I know many mamas who treasure the special moments when they are breastfeeding their babies. I am sure it’s an incredible way to bond with your little one, but I am just not one of those mamas. And it’s OK if you aren’t either.

As a 2nd time mom, I felt extremely confident in my decision that first night at the hospital and I didn’t try breastfeeding again. I did pump for a month to give Campbell some of my antibodies and nutrients that breastmilk provides. In the midst of a pandemic and Caroline back in my daycare, my pediatrician said it would be helpful for him to start building up his immunity through my breastmilk.

It’s probably doesn’t come a shock that pumping isn’t my favorite thing either. I was able to supplement formula with pumped breastmilk for a month. With a toddler, newborn and juggling working I felt my sanity needed to prevail.

I breastfed for 30 seconds, pumped for one month and Campbell is a healthy & happy formula fed baby, which is all that matters. I share this just as a viewpoint and to help others know that it’s OK if breastfeeding isn’t the course you want to go. Fed is best – remember that! I’ve also rounded up some of my favorite items for feeding a baby, no matter what route you go.

dr. brown’s bottles // similac formula // dishwasher basket // haakaa // burp cloth //  on-the-go formula container //  baby bottle nipples // countertop drying rack // formula dispenser