6 Month Campbell Update

6 months with Campbell has flown by! He is a complete joy and it’s been such fun to watch him and Caroline together. I wanted to share the answers to some frequently asked questions about life with Campbell.

Q: Who made Campbell’s adorable birth announcements?
A: I LOVE the way Campbell’s birth announcements turned out! My friends Nico & Lala made them. The announcements absolute perfection right down to the gingham lined envelope. I had such a hard time picking one, they have SO many cute baby announcements!

Q: When did Campbell start sleeping through the night? What is his sleep schedule?
A: At 3 months he turned a corner and started sleeping 12hrs a night. When we first brought him home he was waking every 3 hours, then gradually increased to a 7:30pm to 3:00am sleep schedule. This time around I knew there was a light at the end of the tunnel, so I did my best to appreciate our quiet early morning feedings together.

Q: Does he still sleep in your room?
A: He slept in our room until he was 6 weeks old and then went to his crib. He slept in the UPPAbaby bassinet that came with our Vista stroller. We used the stand that doubles as a laundry hamper, once you’re done with the bassinet phase. We did this with Caroline and found it to be easy. I didn’t see the need for an additional bassinet in our house, especially when we were living in a condo in the city. Around 2 weeks old I started to put him in his crib for some naps and he had no issues with the transition at night. I have no rhyme or reason to the timing of any this, I just go based off of what feels right!

Q: How has the transition from 1 to 2 been?
A: I know there is saying 0-1 baby you go from husband and wife to mom and dad. Then for 1-2 babies you go from mom and dad, to mom and dad. I understand the notion of this, but I found it to be harder to find our rhythm. I do love the second time mom confidence of knowing everything is just a phase and there is a light at the end of the tunnel of those sleepless nights. The routine we had for 2.5 years with Caroline got disrupted and we had to recalibrate. Slowly but surely we remembered how to pack the diaper back for a newborn and figured out what worked for our family. I feel like I forgot everything about having a baby, but it all came back naturally to me. We are still a hot mess most days, but it’s our hot mess that we know how to handle.

Q: What did you buy to prepare for baby #2?
A: New bottle nipples, diaper pail, diapers, formula and some clothes. I felt anxious like I should’ve been buying/nesting more, but I don’t think babies need much in those early months. They need to be fed, changed and cuddled and also, thank goodness for Amazon Prime!

Q: Do you notice a difference between Caroline & Campbell as babies?
A: I think so…it’s hard to say about their personalities, but so far Campbell is very easy going and a calm. I thought Caroline was like that too, but I find Campbell to be even more so. Campbell doesn’t eat nearly as much and truly only eats when he’s hungry. He eats 1 less bottle/day than Caroline did. He also only likes to sleep in dark, quiet places whereas Caroline was always on-the-go with me and could nap everywhere. I am excited to see how his little personality continues to grow as we get to know each other.

Q: What prenatal did you take?
A: Binto! They’re my favorite vitamins that I take year-round. With Binto you receive a custom vitamin mix based on age, immunity and lifestyle needs. Each supplement regimen is created by medical professionals and they have a team of nurses on hand to discuss any issues or changes you’d like to make to your daily vitamins. My favorite part is the supplements are sent monthly, making it one less thing to think about and they come in individualized packets ready to go for each day!

Q: How was your delivery?
A: First and foremost I feel so incredibly fortunate to have two healthy babies, along with two enjoyable deliveries. I was absolutely terrified of giving birth the first time around and had a great experience. I also had a wonderful delivery with Campbell and wrote a blog post about it that you can read here.

Q: I have a hard time finding boy clothes…where do you shop?
A: I’m still learning where to shop for boy clothes, but always find little one piece outfits are easiest for babies. I love Kissy Kissy, Cecil & Lou, Old Navy, Maisonette, Primary and Angel Dear.

P.S. you can see pictures of Campbell’s nursery here and read about why breastfeeding still isn’t for me.